Thursday, December 19, 2013

Life with a Goiter - Now, Cancer Survivor

Now, the RIT, I had to visit the office and they give you instructions on what you can and cannot do.  Such as, having to sleep alone, eat alone, being secluded from family, using a separate bathroom (if possible), staying away from pets, you can’t expose others to the radiation.  Though, some may think of scheduling lunch with less favorable people in your life, you still can’t do that either.

Funny how when you are on restrictions, that is when you want to do so much and go EVERYWHERE. So, I picked a bedroom to stay in for 3 FULL DAYS. I figured that I would catch up on reading and some of my shows that were on the DVR.  Now mind you, I still haven’t come off the low-iodine diet. Wouldn’t you know, most of my shows were from the cooking channel and the Food Network.  Talk about HUNGRY! All I could think of was a Pizza Hut meat lover’s pan pizza – YES‼‼

The days went by and my meals were set outside the bedroom door.  It reminded me of a scene in The Color Purple when Celie and Mister were feeding Shug and how they placed the food outside the door and ran away. LOL!

By day three, I was to start on my thyroid medication and could get off the diet. Yes, I got the pizza for my dinner on that Sunday. But, I couldn’t come in contact with anyone until the next day. Monday morning, I felt so free.  In the back of my mind, I knew my body was going to need some time to adjust to this medication. I had read that people experienced weight gain problems, lack of energy and I was determined to go into this with a game plan.

I resumed teaching my fitness classes as well as continuing on my regular workouts. Little did I know, working out was going to take on a whole new meaning. 

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