Friday, October 18, 2013

Roasted Turnips

I’ve been on a major adventure kick. New fitness routines, new recipes, tasting new foods.  So, when my mother gave me a bag full of turnips,  I just couldn't pass them up. 

When I talk about turnips, I’m referring to the bottoms. The purple bulbs, or the root of the turnip greens.  During this whole year, I’ve been thinking outside of the box by expanding my food selections.  I’ve had boiled turnips from my mother-in-law, which were delish.  Now, I am preparing them and wanted to have them in a different way.  I decided to roast them.

Turnips have a pretty strong flavor and if you are not a big fan of that, then you and I share the same taste. 

Preheat oven to 500 degrees.  They were quite easy to prepare. After cleaning the turnips, I peeled off their outer skin. Next, cut them up into cubes, not too small.  Then, I poured about a tablespoon of olive oil over the turnips, sprinkled some kosher salt and pepper and mixed them up so that the oil mixture was on all of the pieces.  

Placed the pieces on a baking tray.  Be sure to keep them spaced apart and not touching each other. 
Roasted them in the oven until they start to turn brown, then flip the pieces over.  Continue roasting until they are brown.

You can serve them with potatoes or even greens. The choices are endless.



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