Friday, April 25, 2014

New Year, New Behavior 2014 - Status Check

It's hard to believe that we are approaching the month of May. Phew! Time flies. In January, many of you set resolutions/goals/accomplishments for this year. Well, time for a "2014 NEW BEHAVIOR" Status Check!!! WOO HOO!!!

Personally, I like to plan things out in increments for the year, it's easier for me.  For example, if you had decided to lose 50 pounds by the end of this year, at this time, you should be pretty close to half way towards reaching your goal...right?

This is your status check time. Take a moment to assess your goals. Are you on track? Have you given up and bailed out? If you are victim to the challenges that life tends to bring, you still have some time left. Let's say you may have started with losing 50 pounds, how about changing it to 25 pounds instead? 

It's time! You don't have to forego things for another year. If you have fallen off your 2014 plan so far. Don't let your inner voice convince you that it's okay to wait another year. Not when you can still get something accomplished this year. Now, if you are on course, pat yourself on the back and keep it going. 

Whichever your situation, we are only approaching May and many things can be done from this point out.  Balance is key and whatever your goal is for this year, you can plan on celebrating your success come New Year's Eve!

Need help with getting there? Share what you plan on accomplishing by the end of the year. You will be amazed with yourself when you reach your goal. 

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