Friday, January 10, 2014

Be Different in 2014

So, it begins again. Another year, new goals, new resolutions or revisited ones. Nevertheless, a new year signals new beginnings.

Let’s first talk about 2013.  Are you able to look back at 2013 and feel accomplished? I hope so. Of course, life happens and it always seems to push us onto the detour route.  While some of us, are able to get back on track, there are those who venture off the route all together and decide not to “make that trip” on the road of 2013 goals/resolutions. We put our initial intentions off to yet, another year. Before you know, year after year after year, this cycle continues. So why even bother setting goals/resolutions? Especially, if you know you have this pattern of behavior.

This year, team up with someone who can keep you on track. Or, join an online network to help keep you accountable for reaching your goal. Or, make a post it note and place on your bathroom mirror that says “NEW YEAR, NEW BEHAVIOR – Get it done 2014” so that you see this daily reminder. This is about you, right? No one else will benefit from your success, just you. I don’t know if you know this, but you are worth it.

I’m encouraging you to BE DIFFERENT in 2014. Set small accomplishments throughout the year. For example, for the first three months, drink 8 ozs. of water for every glass of wine/beer/coffee/soda you consume. Do floor exercises every time you watch TV. If you like, add your resolution/goal in the comment section of this post. I will happily check on your status.

Happy New Year everyone‼! Looking forward to a successful year in our endeavors.